Tuesday, March 9, 2010


This is my finished claymation. I did this for my final project in this class. You can see some of my concepts in the video.

Monday, March 1, 2010


I decided to do a claymation for my final project. I'm shooting the clay movement with a greenscreen and I'm going to put my images in the background. I'm going to overlay this particular image so that the camera angle is from inside the monsters mouth when hes about to eat the kid.


This is a concept for the market in the lost city of Lemuria. I was again messing with the techniques we learned in class concerning light. I wanted to show a pretty alive place. Everyone in the lost city wears blue cloaks, the reason is shrouded in mystery, even I don't know. Maybe they all worship a blue god or every other color is outlawed to keep the peace. Maybe their eyes have adjusted to the lack of light in the monsters belly. It could be anything but probably nothing to do with the fact that they are easier to draw that way.

Monsters Mouth

This is a concept for the monsters mouth. I was mostly trying to mess around with the different ways of creating the illusion of light and depth that we learned in class.

Living Forest

This is a concept for the forest in the monsters belly. The trees are like normal trees in the way that they grow from the ground up but in actuality, they are part of the monster. I don't know what they compare to on an actual organism, something crossed between hair and sea anemones. They can't walk around or anything but they will try to grab you if you get too close.

The Chosen One

So after the kid gets eaten by a monster he falls to the ground inside the monsters belly encompassed by a beam of light. The beam of light is caused by light entering through the opening of the monsters mouth. It is a very dramatic entrance. To the people living in the belly, it's like he's falling from the heavens. Set's up the idea of the "chosen one."

Monday, February 8, 2010

Map of Thule

I was having trouble thinking of environments to draw for my concepts so I decided to draw a map of the land on the inside of the monsters belly. I'm not quite done yet but this is pretty much it. I named it after a mythical island and named many of the places after lost cities. Now I have a lot of ideas for environments to draw.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stomach Acid Ocean

This is another one of the places in the monsters belly. Its an ocean but instead of water its stomach acid. The acid is highly corrosive so the locals have developed the technique of coating their boats with bubblegum... The gum only needs to be reapplied every seven years.

Monday, January 25, 2010

In the belly of the monster.

Here are some of the background concepts for my... thing. The main setting is going to be inside the monsters belly. Its going to be a place kind of like The Never Ending Story or L.O.T.R.. So the first setting, visited briefly, is the monsters mouth. Its gonna be all dark and wet since monsters come out at night and mouths are wet... Its gonna be much bigger than you think.
Here is a concept of one of the places in the monsters belly. Most of whats in the monsters belly is a wasteland but a few hundred thousand of the monster's victims found a place to take shelter. This is the lost city of Lemuria. Many of its inhabitants don't know anything outside of the belly as they were born in the city. Its always dark but the ceiling is lined with something that looks like stars so there is some residual light. There is also weather inside the belly as well as snow capped mountains.

Monday, January 18, 2010


RoboCop was one of my favorite hero's growing up even though he was not a typical hero. This is Frank Millers version of RoboCop. From what I remember about the movies, RoboCop usually looked pretty beat up and had a super ugly face without his helmet on. Frank Miller managed to make him look even uglier. I also like the way he poses his characters in an awkward way.

Frank Miller

Frank Miller's art has had a huge impact on my own artistic style. I like how a lot of his art is in straight black and white, incorporating splashes of color like in Sin City. He also has a darker style that really appeals to me. Even though the style looks more cartoony, the grungy feeling that he incorporates makes his art seem more lifelike... and badass.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Work in progress

Cowboy character based off me. Still needs work.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bran Character

This is my character design modeled after myself. Its not very flashy like a super hero or anything but its a character.