Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Artistic Goals

I plan on creating an immerse 3D space in which live webcam feed is assigned to finite user controlled 3D "points" within that space. Users would then be able to move thier "points" freely within the 3D space. The viewer can choose to navigate to and observe the webcam feed on other "points" or a they could simply sit back and watch the interactions between the various "points" navigating within the 3D space.

Technical Tools

- Generate a 3D space using jit.gl.

-Generate 3D points with jit.gl

-Webcam Integration onto 3D objects.

-User control via mouse or keyboard.

-Support for multiple user.


Week 1

-Decide on the 3D space to work in. [1hr]

-Code camera view controls to mouse and keyboard. [2hrs]

-Decide the best way to display the controllable points (g. on boids or on 3D shapes?) [1hr]

-Research the best way to pull webcam feed off the internet and figure out the limitations. [2hrs]

-Assign a webcam to the camera view/3D shape. [1hr]

-Troubleshoot [5 hrs]

Week 2

-Make demo program [2hrs]

-Load it to another computer [1hr]

-Integrate a second webcam [2hrs]

-Troubleshoot [5hrs]

-Integrate more webcams [2hrs]

-Troubleshoot [5hrs]

Week 3

-Work on proximity interactions
-Sound [2hrs] Video [2hrs]

-Work on other visual interactions [4hrs]

-Troubleshoot [5hrs]

Week 4

Final Touches

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